Updated - January, 31, 2000
Welcome to the faq area of cdc.
Through out the beginning and the present of this site,
there have been questions asked. But these aren't
ordinary questions. These are "ANNOYING" and
asked over and over questions. lol.
And being i'm a little tired of
sending a personal email to every individual with the
same questions, I'm going to answer all questions on this
site. If any questions in this section are asked to me,
an email will be sent to come here. :o) Cool? ok!! Now
lets get on with those questions!!
New Questions -
Q - Why is this site only made up
of 3/4 colors?
A - Well, these are all my favorite colors, and I
wanted to show my expression for CatDog this way,
see if you can figure out what I'm trying to say.
I'll say, you'll be pretty surprized.
Not only that, I like this way, it's just....cool!
Q - Why hasn't "kitty and
puppy" corner been updated as often as it should?
A - I've been pretty busy latley with homework,
applications for high schools, and chorus rehersal. I
don't really have as much time as I did in the summer
when this site first started. Not only that, if I do have
free time, not many people write questions to CatDog, I'm
lucky if I do get letters. This site really isn't too
popular. I mean, it's just a fan site. >^.^<
Q - Are you in any competition
with other webmasters?
A - As far as I know.....nope.
They'd all beat me. He he. :o)
Past Questions -
Q - Where did you get that web
address, and how much did you pay for it?
A - I got the web address from Bizhosting. And the
service is free.
Q - Where are the catdog drawings
you keep talking
A - Sorry fellow cd fans, :o( I know you want them badly,
but I still have no scanner, once I am able to get one,
I'll scan all the drawings I have. Untill then, I have
pictures of cd webmaster, and cd mailing list club
members. If you own a cd website, or are member of the
mailing list, you could be drawn next!!!
Q - When will be your next *HUGE*
A - Well, usually when I do a huge update, its either
because I won't be updating for a while, OR...I just feel
that the site look is getting kind of old. So I'm not
sure when the updates will be, but if you feel this site
needs a good spring cleaning, you tell me anytime. :o)
Q - I can't get to any of your
files or sites, it says error 606, and it says it cant
get there,
HELP!! What should I do?
A - Eh, don't worry about it. :o) It happens alot, being
its a big site. Others might be on the site, I might be
updating, or the system is busy for some other reason. I
assure you, it will go back again. If it doesnt, tell me.
I'll try and help.
Q - I emailed you a form to be in
the cdc club,
with all my information, but I can't get in the club,
A - Oh, this happens alot. Its no biggie. Once you send
in a form, you cant enter the club, until
you get a confirmation email a day later. If you already
sent an email in, and you get a confirmation letter, I
might be adding your name to the list right away. But
sometimes I forget to upload it on the web, because
Iusually upload the main page first, and sometimes I
forget about the club. So email me if you have any
problems like that.
Q - Can I use your pictures on my
A - You sure can! But the only thing I ask for is a link
to this site and some credit. :o) And it would be nice if
you asked. thanx.
Q - Can I use your fanfics on my
A - Like the last question, you sure can, just add a link
to my site, or some credit. And weather its html or txt
form. There is always some copyright stuff with my sites
name on it, my name, and the site url
please dont take that off. And as always, can you ask
first? thanx a bunch. :o)
Q - I cant get into the chat, why?
A - Well, I'm not sure how to help you there. You may not
have the program or computer, that carries java applets,
and you may need to download something, or use another
computer. I'm not sure, why, but contact an internet
provider, and ask about all java applet questions, they
might know.
Q - I don't know how to work html.
But I want
to add your banner to my site. Is there another way
to do it?
A - There sure is, just save the picture, by click on one
of the banners with your right mouse button
and click save as, and save the picture. Then with your
file manager, where it says upload a file someplace,
click browse, and look for the saved file, then when you
find it, click open, and click upload.
Then when you put pictures up, put that picture url on
it. in fact, you dont even have to put up a banner, a
normal link will do fine. :o)
Q - Can you add a link to my site
on yours?
A - Of course, but it would be nice to add mine too.
Thanx. :o)
Q - Hey, your my good friend
right? Make me the winner of your award!
A - Sorry. :o( But I judge your site, not you. And if
your site is good,you get the award. Not everyone will
win in one month. But being its a contest, only ONE
person must to win. Please don't be mad if your not
chosen this month, you might be chosen the next!!! :o)
Q - How can I be drawn?!!
A - Make a CatDog Website of your own, OR join the catdog
mailing list, Click
Here for details.
Q - Do you have fun doing what
your doing?
A - I SURE DO! Even though its alot of hard work. Once
your done updating everything, and get your sites address
out into the public. Your site will get lots of
attention,and even compliments!!! And let me tell you
from experience...It feels really good. You even feel
better about yourself, let me tell ya!
Q - Why did you take down the
south park station?
A - Sorry South Park Fans. But the reason I shut it down.
Was because hardly anyone was visiting. I got like 4
visitors a day. I'm still probably the biggest south park
freak out there. But look how many websites there are on
south park? Every doesnt seem to care about the small
ones. Everyone loves the big ones. Like the domain named
ones, like kennyskrib.com, and sweeet.com, which I give
my compliments too. GREAT JOB you two!!! Besides, I meet
more buddies on this website anyway! :o) And if you want
to know, I get like 30 - 40 visits a day on this one. Its
not too much. But its better then 4 visitors. heh. :oD
Q - When were you born?
A - July, 13, 1986.
So that would make me 13. :o)
Q - Can you make a contests
A - I already have a contests section.
The cdc awards. :o)
Sorry guys, but I don't have huge prize to give out.
Q - I love your cartoon, can you
make more episodes?
A - I don't make the cartoon, Peter Hannan does.
And as I speak, they are in the process of making new
episodes!!! :o)
Q - I hate CatDog, and I hate
A - And your telling me this because....
Q - I've been hearing rumors that
your going
to use shockwave on your site, is this true?
A - Don't know where you picked that up from,
but I'll never use shockwave, being i'm not willing
to pay lots of money to get a shockwave making program.
But thanks for informing about it. :o)
If you have any other rumors about me, come to me
for the correct answer. :oD
Don't be afraid.
Q - Do you know Peter Hannan?
A - No, but I wish I did. :o)
Q - What are some other cartoons
you like?
A - South Park, The Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, and
Beavis and Butthead.
Q - Whats your phone number?
A - My phone number is 7...HEY! Thats personal! :oD lol.
Q - What hertiage(s) are you?
A - I'm Russian, Irish, and Italian. And if you want to
know my religion, it's Catholic. That's all I'll go from
there. And if your wondering if I respect other cultures,
I respect them 100%.
Besides, we're all different, and special. What's your
heritage? :o)
Q - Do you use a certain program
to keep hackers out of your computer? I need to get one
of those.
A - Sorry. But for the good of this site. I can't answer
that question.
Q - Are you going to get a domain
name for this site?
A - Nah...I don't really think I want to spend so much
money on a website. I think the address I have is just
fine. :o)
Q - Have you ever heard of an ate
my b@11$ site? I
think you should make a "the cast ate my b@11$ site.
A - Yeah. I know what those sites are. But I don't think
they'll be too appropriate for the little ones. :o)
It's a very good idea though.
Well, those are all the questions
I have for now, trust me, there will be more... :o)